Ms. Hiral Mehta - Spartan EngineeringSpartan Engineering



Ms. Hiral Mehta

Ms. Hiral Mehta is a Director at Spartan Engineering Industries Pvt Ltd. After completing her MBA in family business management from S. P. Jain college she has been actively involved in company’s daily affairs. She’s a great motivator to all the employees at Spartan. All the employees at Spartan find her very warm in the way she interacts and inspires everyone. She’s developed a ‘go to’ leader for all the employees for their professional and personal challenges. While she heads the ‘Credit Control’ and ‘Finance’ department, she guides HR team for all the employee development and recreational programs conducted at the company. She also lives her commitment towards ‘Giving back to the society’ by conducting various CSR activities. She motivates all the staff to contribute towards various causes by donating blood, books and clothes etc to the needy in the society.