Spartan has always been at the forefront when it comes to technology. In this era of IT revolution, Spartan has integrated ‘IoT- Internet of Things’ in it’s business processes. Spartan has enabled IoT to access data and information at the far off placed hoist location in real time. It helps to keep the hoists maintained and ensures safe operation of the Spartan hoists. It also sends the notification to customers and OEM about the critical faults and indicates emergency.
It gives interface to every customer where the real time status of hoist is available through an App. This App is available on all platforms of IOS, Android & Windows. Customers can check the status like last date of servicing, next scheduled servicing date, operation status etc. This information helps customers to maintain the hoist in the best possible condition and helps him indicate if there is any breakdown. The customers can also check the operation hours of the machine through average running rate, thus helping him to track the running cost and productivity per day.
Spartan has developed another App for AMC. This app is used by the service engineers to check and update the status of the machines under AMC through photos of the machines, serial number and self photo. Once the engineer submits the details, based on the hoist serial number, checklist will get uploaded.
Periodic maintenance of hoist is critical as it deals with the movement of man & material. This AMC App is designed to digitally fill the AMC checklist along with real time photographs. This ensures thorough check of all the points mentioned in the check list thereby maintaining the hoist in the best working condition.
The service engineer can put red or green tag after reviewing all the points mentioned in the AMC checklist. This indicates the repair status of the hoist parts. This will guide further action plan.